

型号: MVME162-210

MMVME162-210是摩托罗拉VME产品线的1新旗舰,在单个VMEbus插槽中实现更1级别的性能。MVME5500采用1新的MPC7455处理器,运行速度为1 GHz及以上,是数据密集型应用的理想选择。MVME5500提供的不仅仅是更快的处理器性能;它提供了处理器、内存、本地总线和I/O子系统的平衡性能。功能强大的Marvell Discovery系统控制器支持133 MHz主机总线和133 MHz SDRAM内存总线


PMC-5565PIORC 反射式内存节点卡提供1速、低延迟、确定性接口,允许在1达 170 Mbyte/s 的速率下在多达 256 个独立系统(节点)之间共享数据。每个反射内存板都可以配置 128 MB 或 256 MB 的板载 SDRAM。本地 SDRAM 提供对存储数据的快速读取访问时间。写入存储在本地 SDRAM 中,并通过1速光纤数据路径广播到其他反射存储器节点。节点之间的数据传输是软件透明的,因此不需要 I/O 开销。在峰值数据速率期间发送和接收 FIFO 缓冲数据,以优化主机和总线性能以保持1数据吞吐量。PMC-5565PIORC 符合 RoHS 标准,并具有改进的 PIO 读取性能和可在现场升级的固件。
The Hydran M2 is a compact permanently mounted on-line transformer monitoring device that will alert personnel to developing fault conditions. It continuously monitors a composite value of various fault gases (in ppm) or a Hydrogen gas only value (depending on sensor purchased). In addition it tracks moisture in oil (reading in %RH and ppm).

With additional sensors added, the Hydran M2 can also compute transformer mathematical models based on IEEE® and IEC® standards to provide further information on the performance of the transformer.Hydran M2是一种紧凑的0久安装在线变压器监测装置,可提醒人员出现故障情况。它连续监测各种故障气体的合成值(ppm)或仅氢气值(取决于购买的传感器)。此外,它还跟踪油中的水分(读数为%RH和ppm)。


添加了额外的传感器后,Hydran M2还可以根据IEEE®和IEC®标准计算变压器数学模型,以提供关于变压器性能的进一步信息。Real-time Hydrogen or composite fault gas monitoring system
Moisture in oil measurement
Ability to integrate additional sensors (load, oil temperature, …)
Option to process transformer mathematical models based on IEC/IEEE standardsEasy to install on a single valve.
No moving parts, no pumps and no extra piping required.
No field calibration required.
Local and remote alarms set at pre defined levels.Hydrogen sensor responds 100% to Hydrogen (general fault gas)
Composite gas sensor responds 100% to Hydrogen and is also sensitive to Carbon Dioxide (overheated paper insulation).
Choice of up to 4x input or output cards
Wide range of communication methods and protocols.
RS485 output is standard. TCP/IP copper or fibre is optional

MVME162-210伺服驱动器MotorolA MVME162-210伺服驱动器MotorolA


Vacuum-resistant gas extraction membrane.
Built in temperature condition system.
Full system self test and self-diagnostics.
Logging of data and significant events up to a year.
User-friendly client/server graphical user interface software.




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