

型号: 3500/72M-01-00



通过低气压试验箱进行透气性试验,在海平面和海拔7 620m 高度下分别进行传感器性能测试,测试结果及对比结果见表1。结果表明从海平面到海拔7 620m传感器输出信号变化较小。说明在从海平面到高海拔过程中,传感器内部气体的大气压力也随着海拔高度的升高而发生改变,只有当传感器内部气体压力与外界环境气体压力相等时,才能使得传感器的表压输出信号不发生改变。实验证明海拔高度升高过程,传感器内部气体可自由出入传感器,因此可证明材料透气性良好。2.2 防水实验
能否隔雨水冲击是该类型传感器的重要指标,因此采用IP67 淋雨试验验证其防水性能。

将表压传感器放入喷淋试验箱,然后以450 L/H 喷水量进行喷淋试验,0.5 h 后取出传感器进行测试。试验后,测试传感器性能,结果与喷淋实验前输出数据基本吻合。用缘电阻测试仪测试传感器的缘电阻为890 MΩ,缘性能良好。根据以上测试结果,说明在喷淋过程中和喷淋之后,水未进入传感器,因此可证明材料的防水性能良好3 传感器可靠性设计



经过理论分析及大量试验结果表明:安装防水透气组件的压力传感器,内部湿度会跟随外部迅速变化,在凝露情况不可避免的情况下,防水透气组件会迅速排出凝露,将凝露的量控制在比较小的范围不影响传感器性能;而不安装防水透气组件的压力传感器由于凝露的长期累积并不外排会导致电路短路,对压力传感器的可靠性带来巨大风险。RS-422/485 scTew termination includeASCIISerial Port Isolation
2500V RMS port signal solation per UL
The ASCII driver provides a powerful connection between the1577internal application database in the ProLinx unit and devices
3000V DC min. port 1to ground and port tosupporting serial ASCII communications (bar code scanners, linelogic power isolationrinters, legacy teminal based computer systems, etc).
Shipped wih Each UnilMini DIN lo DB- 9M serial cablesThe serial port on the gateway is userconfigurable to support ASCII4ft RS 232 configuration cablecommunications (Baud rate, Data Bits, Stop Bits, etc). The ASCI
2.5mm screwdriverport can act as a Master (Send ASCII strings) or as a Slave (Receive
CD (docs and Conliguration uill)ASCII strings). or both.RS- 4221485 DB-9 to Screw TerminalASCII SpecificationsAdaplor (1 or 4, depending on ports)Avilable in up to four port configurations 1o0ProSoft Configuration Builderreceive and/or transmil data.ProSoft Configuration Builder (PCB) provides a quick and easy wayTransmit and Receive255 byles eachto manage module configuration files customized to meet your
bufer sizeapplication needs. PCB is not only a powerful solution for new
Transmit character with0 to 65535 mllisecond delay between eachconfiguration files, but also alws you to import information from
pacingtransmittled characler.previously intalldl (known working) configurations to new projects.
General SpecificationsAdditional ProductsThe ProLinx Communication Modules provide cnnetivity for two or
ProSoft Technology ofers a full complement of hardware and
more dssimilar network types. The modules, encased in sturdy
sofware slutions for a wide variety of industrial communicationextruded aluminum, are stand-alone DIN-rail mounted protocolplatforms.gateways, providing communication between many of the mostwidely used procols in industrial automation today.Visit our web site at logy.co for acomplete list of products.Hardware SpecificationsSpecificationDescriptionOrdering InformationPower Supply24 VDC nominalTo order this product, please use the fllowing:18 to 36 VDC alowed5102-DFCM-ASCII3DF1 Master/Slave to ASCII Generic SerialPostitive, Negative, GND TerminalsGateway2.5 mm screwdriver bladeTo place an order, please contact your local ProSoft TechnologyCurrent Loaddistributor. For a list of ProSoft dsributors near you, go toOperating Temperalure-2010 50°C (-4 to 122*F)
Slorage Temperalure-4010 85°C (- 40 to 185*F)Distributors:Relalive Humidily5 to 95% (non-condensing)Place your order by email or fax to:DimensionsStandard: 5 20H X 2.07Wx 4.52D in.
North' American/Latin American I Asia Pacific(13.2cmH x 5.25cmW x 1.48cmD)ordersprosof.- technology,Exlended: 5.20H x 2.73W x 4.52D in.
fax to(13.2cmH x 6.934cmWx 11.48cmD)


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