
woodward调速器EASYGEN-3500-5/P2 8440-2145具有控制的作用

型号: EASYGEN-3500-5/P2 8440-2145

因为这类设备的执行机构相对位移较大;或者传动结构复杂,机械、电气、液压等各环节稍有不到位就会产生误差或故障。在长期的运行状态下,如果缺乏运行维护,易造成阀体部件的卡,堵,漏等现象。因此在系统运行时要加强对此类设备的巡检,发现问题及时处理。我厂对此类设备建立了严格的点检制度,定期检查阀门是否变形,执行机构是否灵活可用,控制器是否有效等,很好地保证了整个控制系统的有效性。woodward调速器EASYGEN-3500-5/P2 8440-2145具有控制的作用


其原因可能是因为长期磨损,也可能是长期不用而锈蚀老化。如该生产线窑尾料球储库上的布料行走车来回移动频繁,而且现场粉尘较大,所以接近开关触点出现变形、氧化、粉尘堵塞等从而导致触点接触不好或机构动作不灵敏。对于这类设备故障的处理主要体现在定期维护,使设备时刻处于完好状态。对于限位开关尤其是重型设备上的限位开关除了定期检修外,还要在设计的过程中加入多重的保护措施woodward调速器EASYGEN-3500-5/P2 8440-2145具有控制的作用 。Because the relative displacement of the actuator of this type of equipment is relatively large; Or the transmission structure is complex, and slightly inadequate mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, and other links can lead to errors or failures. Under long-term operating conditions, if there is a lack of operation and maintenance, it is easy to cause jamming, blocking, and leakage of valve body components. Therefore, when the system is running, it is necessary to strengthen the patrol inspection of such equipment and promptly handle any problems found. Our factory has established a strict point inspection system for such equipment, woodward调速器EASYGEN-3500-5/P2 8440-2145具有控制的作用 regularly checking whether the valve is deformed, whether the actuator is flexible and available, and whether the controller is effective, which effectively ensures the effectiveness of the entire control system.

3. The third type of failure point may occur on some components or equipment in switches, limit positions, safety protection, and field operations

The reason may be due to long-term wear or corrosion and aging due to long-term use. For example, the cloth traveling truck on the kiln tailing ball storage warehouse of this production line frequently moves back and forth, and the on-site dust is large, so the proximity switch contacts are deformed, oxidized, and clogged with dust, resulting in poor contact or insensitive mechanism action. The treatment of such equipment failures is mainly reflected in regular maintenance to keep the equipment in good condition at all times. For limit switches, especially those on heavy equipment, in addition to regular maintenance, multiple protective measures should be added during the design process.


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