2711P-B7C22A9P间数据传输和信息管理的需求,选取可靠性较高的TCP/IP协议,结合LabVIEW软件开发平台,设计出利用网线实现计算机间通信的系统。在实验中通过对网络性能指标进行分析,表明了所设计的通信软件能够实现工业生产现场不同IPC之间的数据传送,而且具有实时性较强、可移植性好、安全性高等特点。智能制造浪潮的到来给自动化产品和技术带来了新的机遇和挑战。作为智能制造的核心设备之一,工控机无论在产品技术、服务还是产业发展上,都已经出现了新的升级和变化,其在智能时代所充当的角色也变得越来越重要。什么是工业相机? 工业相机是机器视觉系统中的一个关键组件
其本质功能就是将光信号转变成有序的电信号,相当于机器视觉系统的“眼睛”。相比于传统的民用相机(摄像机)而言,工业相机(摄像机)具有高图像稳定性、高传输能力和高抗干扰能力等,市面上工业相机大多是基于CCD(Charge Coupled Device)或CMOS(Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor)芯片的相机。 CCD,电荷藕合器件图像传感器。它使用一种高感光度的半导体材料制成,能把光线转变成电荷,通过模数转换器芯片转换成数字信号,数字信号经过压缩以后由相机内部的闪速存储器或内置硬盘卡保存,因而可以轻而易举地把数据传输给计算机,并借助于计算机的处理手段,根据需要和想像来修改图像。
CMOS,互补性氧化金属半导体。和CCD一样,同为在数码相机中可记录光线变化的半导体。CMOS的制造技术和一般计算机芯片没什么差别,主要是利用硅和锗这两种元素所做成的半导体,使其在CMOS上共存着带N(带–电) 和 P(带+电)级的半导体,这两个互补效应所产生的电流即可被处理芯片纪录和解读成影像。
工业相机的作用 工业相机一般安装在机器流水线上代替人眼来做测量和判断,通过数字图像摄取目标转换成图像信号,传送给专用的图像处理系统,图像系统对这些信号进行各种运算来抽取目标的特征,进而根据判别的结果来控制现场的设备动作。 随着国内机器视觉行业的迅猛发展,机器视觉系统的重要组件,工业相机也同样得到了巨大的发展。数字工业相机对被摄物的大小没有限制,根据镜头的条件,既可以拍摄一般物质,也可以用于显微镜摄影。目前,工业相机的主要用途包括以下几个方面: (1)在开发产品和验证产品等:如开发金属材料及树脂材料时,用来观察材料受到冲击时内部裂纹产生的方向、状态等,可用来分析材料被破坏时物质的结构,及电子产品的工业在线检测等。 (2)包装和标签行业的印刷过程中,能够实时检测到高速印刷中细微的缺陷,以便采取措施,减少损失。常见的缺陷如划痕、灰尘、漏印、墨痕、褶皱等都可被检测出来,提高投资回报,减少废品支出,提高了客户满意度和信任度。 (3)其他领域:如机器视觉、科研、军事科学、航空航天等众多领域,尤其是在智能交通行业:超速抓拍,闯红灯电子警察、高速路口、卡扣收费等交通行业也得到了良好的使用。 工业相机的分类 企业在实际选购和使用工业相机之前,首先需要确定的就是相机的类型。下面是按照不同的行业标准进行的工业相机分类。 (1)芯片类型 分为CCD相机、CMOS相机; (2)传感器的结构特性 分为线阵相机、面阵相机; (3)按照扫描方式 分为隔行扫描相机、逐行扫描相机; (4)分辨率大小 分为普通分辨率相机、高分辨率相机; (5)输出信号方式 分为模拟相机、数字相机; (6)输出色彩 分为单色(黑白)相机、彩色相机; (7)输出信号速度 分为普通速度相机、高速相机; (8)响应频率范围 分为可见光(普通)相机、红外相机、紫外相机等。 工业相机为什么会丢帧? 选择合适的相机也是机器视觉系统设计中的重要环节,相机的选择不仅直接决定所采集到的图像分辨率、图像质量等,同时也与整个系统的运行模式直接相关。设计不良的驱动程序或工业相机硬件可能会造成丢帧,其原因就是资料通道的堵塞,无法及时处理,所以新的图像进来时,前一张可能被迫丢弃,或是新的图像被迫丢弃。要解决这问题,需要设计者针对驱动程序与工业相机硬件资料传输的每个环节进行精密的设计。 智能相机与工业相机 智能相机(Smart Camera)并不是一台简单的相机,而是一种高度集成化的微小型机器视觉系统。它将图像的采集、处理与通信功能集成于单一相机内,从而提供了具有多功能、模块化、高可靠性、易于实现的机器视觉解决方案。同时,由于应用了0新的DSP、FPGA及大容量存储技术,其智能化程度不断提高,可满足多种机器视觉的应用需求。 工业相机与智能相机的应用场合相差不大,但使用上却有很大的差别,工业相机需要外接控制器,需要专业性比较强的软件人员来进行编程,可应对各种复杂的检测要求,而智能相机则内置简单实用的调试工具,可以独立工作而不需要外接控制器,操作简单,容易上手。ABB LGR 分析仪的优势之一在于其稳定性和便携性,这两个关键特点解释了为什么许多客户将它们用于各种机载操作。不少机载飞行监测温室气体的科学研究成果已在一些科学家撰写的论文中发表。
With the continuous improvement of electrification, the railway has been reshaped as a sustainable and energy-saving transportation mode. ABB has actively participated in the construction of rail transit in China, providing a solid and reliable power guarantee for AC / DC substations, passenger station buildings, control and signaling devices, tunnels, locomotives and rolling stock, and promoting the interconnection between provinces and cities. Successful projects include Beijing Shanghai high speed railway, Qinghai Tibet railway, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Changsha and many other rail transit projects. As abb capability ™ As part of the building ecosystem of the building ecosystem, the "new building ecosystem" partner program provides a collaborative way to enter the market for suppliers engaged in sustainable development, energy management and decarbonization solutions in the field of commercial buildings.
The "new building ecosystem" partner program is realized through a digital, scalable and open platform to accelerate the benefits of ABB customers and provide solution suppliers with opportunities to realize their unlimited potential.
The partnership program will have a positive impact on the environment by maximizing energy efficiency and sustainable solutions. The program aims to provide solution suppliers in the commercial construction sector with the opportunity to join ABB capability ™ Building ecosystem is an opportunity to jointly promote the decarbonization and sustainable development of the construction industry. Carbon emissions from commercial buildings account for more than 10% of the global total greenhouse gas emissions. For enterprises and stakeholders in the field of commercial buildings, it is urgent to solve the problem of building decarbonization ABB ability ™ The building ecosystem brings together a complete set of affordable and intuitive software and hardware to simplify the implementation of sustainable buildings. This open platform provides customers with a cross system global perspective, so as to better help users make decisions. At the same time, the platform also has system interoperability and scalability.
Members of the cooperation program will have the opportunity to build on ABB openbos. ABB open building operating system can handle complex integration tasks and help partners simplify the deployment of their solutions. The "new building ecosystem" partnership program also aims to become a growth accelerator for software and Internet of things (IOT) innovators, supporting innovators engaged in sustainable development, energy management and decarbonization solutions in the field of new and renovated commercial buildings. The "new building ecosystem" partner program also provides a variety of options for software partners to become ABB capability ™ Building ecosystem is a part of building ecosystem. The scope of cooperation covers the promotion of a range of solutions, including ABB capability ™ Supplement to existing solutions on the marketplace digital solution subscription platform, and supplier solutions and ABB capability on the open platform ™ Building ecosystem is a solution for building ecosystem integration.
New building ecosystem "partner program with abb capability ™ Based on the building ecosystem and the concept of vendor agnostic, the building ecosystem further breaks the technology island in the building system through the collaboration platform of application programming interface (API). Each partnership will maximize energy efficiency and promote sustainable development through the adoption of technologies that reduce costs and have a positive impact on the environment. Jointly promote the decarbonization and sustainable development of the construction industry. Carbon emissions from commercial buildings account for more than 10% of the global total greenhouse gas emissions. For enterprises and stakeholders in the field of commercial buildings, it is urgent to solve the problem of building decarbonization ABB ability ™ The building ecosystem brings together a complete set of affordable and intuitive software and hardware to simplify the implementation of sustainable buildings. This open platform provides customers with a cross system global perspective, so as to better help users make decisions. At the same time, the platform also has system interoperability and scalability.
Members of the cooperation program will have the opportunity to build on ABB openbos. ABB open building operating system can handle complex integration tasks and help partners simplify the deployment of their solutions. The "new building ecosystem" partner program also aims to become a growth accelerator for software and Internet of things (IOT) innovators, providing support to innovators engaged in sustainable development, energy management and decarbonization solutions in the field of new and renovated commercial buildings. The "new building ecosystem" partner program also provides a variety of options for software partners, making them ABB capability ™ Building ecosystem is a part of building ecosystem. The scope of cooperation covers the promotion of a range of solutions, including ABB capability ™ Supplement to existing solutions on the marketplace digital solution subscription platform, and supplier solutions and ABB capability on the open platform ™ Building ecosystem is a solution for building ecosystem integration. Thorsten Mueller, head of ABB's global product group for electrical building and home automation solutions, said, "we need to meet the changing needs of our customers with continuous innovation and creation." the "new building ecosystem" partner program reflects the transformation of our thinking on the digital transformation and decarbonization of the commercial construction industry. It emphasizes ABB's commitment to the future of collaboration, openness and vendor agnostic. This partner program will witness the most innovative and sustainable solution technology suppliers in the field of commercial construction using ABB capability ™ The scale and business opportunities of building ecosystem. This will help to accelerate the reduction of energy consumption in new and renovated buildings. " ABB Ability ™ Based on the building ecosystem and the concept of vendor agnostic, the building ecosystem further breaks the technology island in the building system through the collaboration platform of application programming interface (API). Each partnership will maximize energy efficiency and promote sustainable development through the adoption of technologies that reduce costs and have a positive impact on the environment.
Cavitation behavior of low pressure air separation liquid oxygen pump
In the full low pressure air separation unit, it is sometimes found that the outlet pressure of the centrifugal liquid oxygen pump drops suddenly, and the liquid oxygen cannot be discharged, and the liquid oxygen pump cannot continue to work. This phenomenon is often called "air entrainment". This phenomenon of "air entrainment" in liquid oxygen pump is called "cavitation" in professional terms. Principle of cavitation phenomenon in 2 liquid oxygen pump
Factor 1: when the pressure of the liquid is lower than the corresponding saturated vapor pressure, the liquid will vaporize. This situation is easy to occur in the cryogenic pump. When the liquid pressure at the inlet of the impeller blade is reduced to equal to the saturated vapor pressure of the liquid at the temperature, the liquid oxygen begins to boil and vaporize, and bubbles are generated in the liquid. The liquid with bubbles flows along the centrifugal force direction of the impeller. When it reaches the area where the pressure in the impeller rises (that is, the pressure outside the bubble is higher than the corresponding vaporization pressure area), the steam is cooled again. Due to the great pressure outside the bubble, when the bubble condenses, the surrounding liquid rushes to the space occupied by the bubble at a very high speed, causing local impact on the surface of the impeller in this area (i.e. strong water hammer). This is commonly known as the cavitation phenomenon of liquid oxygen pump. Factor 2: cavitation may also occur when the pressure of the main condensing evaporator decreases, the liquid oxygen inlet filter is blocked, and the inlet pipe resistance increases.
3. Harmfulness of cavitation of liquid oxygen pump.
The influence of cavitation on liquid oxygen pump varies with its degree. When the degree of cavitation is not serious, the impact is small. If the cavitation reaches a certain degree, many bubbles will be generated at the inlet of the working wheel blade. These bubbles will condense into liquid as the liquid enters the place with high pressure (at the outlet of the working wheel), and the bubbles will burst rapidly. Because the density difference between gas and liquid is hundreds of times, when liquid oxygen condenses, the volume suddenly shrinks, and the surrounding liquid rushes to the bubble position at a high speed, causing the impeller surface in contact with the bubble to be violently impacted. It not only makes the flow, head and efficiency of the pump drop sharply, but also destroys the continuity of the liquid flow, and makes the surface of the impeller, guide wheel and pump shell appear dents and micro cracks; Chemical corrosion may also occur where gas impacts occur. Therefore, all efforts should be made to avoid cavitation of the liquid oxygen pump.
4 consideration of avoiding cavitation
In order to avoid discrimination, liquid oxygen is often supercooled when entering the pump, so as to reduce the possibility of liquid vaporization in the pump. If the inlet pressure of the liquid oxygen pump is increased, the saturation temperature of the liquid oxygen will be increased and the liquid oxygen will have a certain degree of supercooling. Generally, the installation position of the liquid oxygen pump is lowered to increase the inlet pressure of the liquid oxygen pump (even if there is a certain static head at the liquid oxygen inlet) and improve the undercooling (the undercooling is considered to be 6 ℃ ~10 ℃ in the design). For example, when the pressure of liquid oxygen in the main condensing evaporator is 0.04MPa, its saturation temperature is 94K. When the inlet pressure of the liquid oxygen pump increases to 0.09mpa due to the static pressure of the liquid column, its saturation temperature is 97k, which is equivalent to that the liquid oxygen has obtained a 3 ℃ undercooling degree. In addition, attention shall also be paid during operation: the liquid oxygen adsorber shall be thoroughly precooled before being used until the liquid is discharged; Do not rush to close the bypass valve. Once cavitation occurs, exhaust immediately to ensure the safe operation of the liquid oxygen pump. In order to improve the anti cavitation ability of the liquid oxygen pump, the spiral or axial-flow inducer is installed in front of the working wheel in the structure at present to "remove the middleman from the outside and remove the heat insulation wall from the inside". This is Zhang Ruimin's brief summary of organizational structure adjustment. The insulation wall is the middle-level manager. It quoted Charles Handy, a management master, as saying, "the middle layer of the enterprise is a group of roasted geese. They have no nerves and will not reflect the market situation. According to Haier's plan, Haier laid off about 26000 people last year and this year.
Over the years, home appliances belong to large-scale manufacturing and labor-intensive industries. Many home appliances are produced by manual assembly, which requires not only a large number of front-line industrial workers, but also production management personnel for management. According to Xu Feng, in the traditional production process, the ratio of workers to management posts is 1:10, that is, 10 workers are equipped with one management post. If the front-line team leaders are included, this ratio can reach 1:5. Previously, in industries with a high degree of automation, such as automobiles and FMCG, one worker may manage one line, and the number of managers has also been greatly reduced. The ratio of 1:20 management posts is a common allocation level.
Nowadays, the transformation and upgrading needs faced by the home appliance industry are not only Haier, but also home appliance enterprises such as Gree and Hisense have invested a lot of money in automation transformation. For enterprises, this may be the optimization result of reducing costs and improving efficiency. But for employees, this year's jobs may be "optimized" tomorrow, which is not only the reality faced by front-line industrial workers, but also the management. According to Xu Feng, in the manufacturing process, generally speaking, ordinary industrial workers are the first to be eliminated, followed by ordinary skilled workers, senior skilled workers and technical personnel managers.
Transformation should also inject "new blood"
As far as employees are concerned, they may have to worry that even though some posts will not be abolished, the post personnel still need to be replaced. For example, middle-level managers used to be extensive management, but turned to lean production management. "In the past, it was guided by task completion to implement the plan, and then it was transformed into fine management. Management posts should better understand the needs of automated management, such as rapid line transfer, inventory management, employee skill training, etc." Xu Feng said that the staffing needs to meet the needs of the company's core business. Some will be reduced and some will be increased.
Transformation is not only a challenge to enterprises, but also a challenge to employees. Wang Pu, President of Peking University Zongheng management consulting company, described the two most common layoffs. He said that a porter may be laid off due to physical reasons or stronger workers; Mechanical equipment may also be used at the wharf to replace the porters. The porter should do two things: exercise to keep himself strong; Go to learn mechanical knowledge immediately. It is reported that in the process of enterprise automation transformation, the most scarce is automation talents with equipment transformation or process transformation ability.
Haier group did not give any further reply to the reporter on the further information about the layoff. According to Haier's previous statement, layoffs still lie in the need of organizational structure adjustment. In fact, this also means new requirements for employee value. Hongshibin, executive chairman of the Marketing Committee of China household appliance business association, said that one of the reasons for Haier's layoffs was the change in job value caused by the organizational structure change. 1. Velcro touch screen can not communicate with Siemens PLC. It always prompts that the PLC is not responding. How to set it?
You can set the same baud rate, the same number of bits, the same stop bit, and the station number cannot be the same, that is, the PLC and touch screen addresses cannot be the same, and then determine whether the communication line is normal
2. How to judge the communication failure between the touch screen and PLC through the program?
The usual method is to use heartbeat detection to define a bool, the HMI will set the point at a fixed frequency, and the PLC will reset the point after receiving the on signal. If the signal with this point on is not received within a period of time, such as 5S, it is considered as a permissive interruption.
The PLC transmits the memory clock byte to the screen, and the screen uses a script to assign the value of this byte to the address in another PLC, and then the PLC judges whether the two scanning cycles of the returned bytes are the same. If so, it indicates that the communication is interrupted. 1. The db1 data block is established in the PLC, in which two switching values "PLC second switch" and "man-machine response switch" are set;
2. The two variables are connected in the man-machine variable;
3. Add "reverse position" in the attribute - event - value change of man-machine "PLC second switch" variable to make the "man-machine response switch" variable change with the change of "PLC second switch";
4. Program in the PLC program block to make the "PLC second switch" reverse every 0.5 seconds, and then use the TON delay command to make the "man-machine response switch" output man-machine communication failure if there is no action within 1 second, because the "man-machine response switch" will no longer change after the man-machine communication is abnormal. In fact, the communication between any touch screen and PLC in the market is nothing more than to confirm four problems:
1. Whether PLC parameters are consistent with those in the project
2. Whether the communication line is wired according to the pin of the wiring diagram
3. Whether the COM port set in the project is connected correctly on the screen
4. If the parameters and lines are OK, check whether it is the PLC program or the PLC address.
Judge parameters first:
1. Use the PLC programming software to connect the PLC to test to see how many PLC parameters are and whether the parameters set in the project are consistent with those tested.
2. Online simulation: with